Recommendations - Survey Tools for Zendesk

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Which 3rd party vendors do you use and/or recommend for ticket-related surveys (CSAT, NPS, CES, other)? Currently looking at Delighted and Nicereply, and have taken a brief look at the Marketplace’s category “Surveys & Feedback”, though out of those 105 apps, many are not related with sending surveys. Ideally, wanting to have something built internally, integrated with our app and website, though looking to gather usage data via available 3rd party tools, helping us to define product requirements and steer the product design. (realistically >12 months from now)

- Zendesk Manager 

Community Member A: SimpleSat is my favorite survey tool, highly recommend you to check it out!

Community Member B: I was a beta user at Delighted when they were NPS only and I was a big fan.

Community Member C: I do not recommend building this internally, it unlikely on your core path and will never get prioritization from eng for follow-up support for features. The two you mentioned are quite popular.

Community Member D: We're using Delighted, NiceReply was also an option, but they didn't have ISO Certifications which we needed. Both are good options.

Zendesk Manager: Thanks for all the recommendations! Great insight, @Member_D, the certifications are a must for us too.


Metrics for analyzing escalations in Zendesk

I'm trying to track metrics for a certain escalation process to figure out which agent applied a specific tag. Anyone able to point me in the direction of how to capture an event like that in Explore?

- Zendesk Analyst

Community Member A: If it is just 1 ticket you are curious about, have you tried looking into the ticket events?
It is very helpful for seeing actions taken (both from triggers and automations, as well as agent actions).

Community Member B: This makes we wish I had an instance to tinker with. I could do it in insights but explore is largely an unknown for me.

Community Member C: Unfortunately in ticket events (Updates history) dataset there doesn't seem to be a value for ticket tags within the [Changes - Field name] attribute nor any "Update ticket tags" attribute (for example), where we'd get the tags present during each update ID.
A workaround could be having a specific ticket field (not added to forms) that is to be completed by a trigger as soon as the tag is added. Then we could create a standard calc attribute for that one. But it would be necessary to create one per tag to monitor, which isn't very feasible.

This article was created with the support of Pythia AI, the provider of affordable productivity apps for Zendesk leading youк business to the true CX Success.

Tools for on-call process

Was wondering if anyone has implemented an on-call process for high severity/priority cases in Zendesk during the weekend and how you are calling in your agents? Are you using any particular integrations?

- Zendesk Manager

Community Member A: Our team uses PagerDuty and have “on call rotation” schedules for our team members. So once or twice a month I am “on call” for any “Emergency” tickets that come in. I will get a text from Pager Duty if one comes in, if I don’t respond to the text, I will get a phone call. If I don’t respond to the phone call Pager Duty will contact the person on secondary duty.
We also get compensated an extra amount for our time on duty, and this gets put on the next month’s pay. We are not paid hourly so the compensation is a break down of “over time” + “hourly” rates that our senior management came up with. I think it’s incredibly fair and I’ve been paged on my off time maybe 5-6 times in my almost three years with the company.

Community Member B: We use xMatters for our on-call rotation, we have a primary/secondary on-call person working through a weekly rotation. We use a set of triggers based on schedules to launch a call.

Community Member C: Pagerduty integration. Very similar to Mariana's setup. Urgent tickets submitted from customers during non-support hours automatically pages the person in the on-call rotation which is defined in Pagerduty. If it is not acknowledged by the primary on-call, two levels of automatic escalation also exist in the notification definition.

Community Member D: Same! Pagerduty does the trick and is highly customizable if you write the correct triggers. I have one for when specific client emails a specific email/inbox that triggers a Pagerduty workflow that will alert my on-call Tech. Support team.


Overcoming the limit of views on the left-hand side

I didn't think we have TOO many views, but the limit of how many views can be seen on the left-hand side of Zendesk is limiting. How do ppl go around this?.

- Zendesk Viewer

Community Member A: Zendesk recommends this app to increase views, but I haven't used it before so not sure how effective it is.

Community Member B: I bookmark views I need that aren’t visible due to the limit

Community Member C: We use Quicke and it is great. This functionality should be built into ZD but until it is the app is the best way we have found to address this issue.

Community Member D: My team uses lovely views PLUS. its fantastic, highly recommend.

Community Member E: I’ve used Quickie in the past but a former colleague told me that it’s a pay app now so I built a thing that does this! I’m not 100% how good it actually is.

Community Member F: use a different approach to this, we moved some of the functionality that we were using views for to a custom field on the ticket and the seperated the views by those custom field topics to keep the number of views lower as well as only making views for specific things visible to those who need them.
We do also have quickie too though but its quite rarely used.


About the Editor

Andrei Kamarouski is a Zendesk Expert and Pythia AI CEO. He loves to help people in the Support Driven Community and across the Web with any kind of Zendesk challenges and projects. Find him here LinkedIn.

This article was created with the support of Pythia AI, the provider of affordable productivity apps for Zendesk leading youк business to the true CX Success.

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