Change Zendesk color to match seasons 🍂❄️🌱☀️

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Does anyone else change their ZD color to match seasons? I've always done this...

- Zendesk Artist 

Community Member A: No but interested in knowing how lol tiny things make my day

Zendesk Artist:
Admin settings > Account. … It changes for the entire instance, so everyone gets to deal with MY idea of the right holiday/seasonal color.

Community Member B: We do/did. Then made a simple challenge. Whoever solved the most tickets last month gets to pick the color this month.

Community Member C: haha no I keep it on brand but now I’m interested in doing seasons!


SLA metrics in Zendesk

For SLAs in Zendesk, are you using Next Reply Time and Periodic Update and if so, what do you have them set to? I’m trying to determine for my org if they are valuable.

- Real SLA Manager

Lance Conzett, Customer Experience Lead at Found: We largely used Next Reply Time, which was set to either equal to First Reply Time or kicked out a little. (So FRT for an urgent issue may have been 15m but NRT was 30m.) Periodic update is good for something like an outage where you need to update a customer at a regular cadence in between their updates, or when transferring to another department with a public comment, since NRT doesn’t kick in until a customer comments. … The ones I’d generally avoid are the resolution time SLA targets, which we found hurt more than they helped.

Real SLA Manager: Thanks! We have contractual resolution SLO targets we report on.

This article was created with the support of Pythia AI, the provider of affordable productivity apps for Zendesk leading youк business to the true CX Success.

CSAT comments for Leadership team

Has anyone written an automation to send their leadership team a review of all the CSAT comments your clients have left in a time period (say the last week)?

- CSAT Builder

Dave Dyson, Sr. Customer Service Evangelist at Zendesk: I'd recommend using Explore to send a dashboard -- here's how to build a query that will show CSAT comments, and you could add a filter to only show tickets from a given period:

(Using an automation will mean they'll get one email for every ticket that meets the automation's criteria, instead of getting it all in one handy report)

Community Member A: We also love the slack integration where you can push CSAT comments (and for example add a leadership team to that channel) - it’s real time insights, so not quite what you are aiming for but a nice angle to keep everyone on the same page IRT


Contact forms and routing tickets

Hello! What do you use for your contact us form? I am looking to update our form to triage to specific teams but I don’t think my current Zendesk plan offers that. Did you build it in house or use an app?

- Forms Builder

Community Member A: Technically you can get a nice routing model with one form and multiple forms in Zendesk (if available). If one field like Ticket Category allows cover all routing cases one form might be completely enough for you. I rarely see external apps used here. And sometimes people build very custom forms using ZD API to create tickets.P.S. I touched this topic in my post here.

Community Member B: I’ve seen people using typeform + zendesk api and it works like a charm.

Rafael Santos, Zendesk & CS Tools Admin: Could you please clarify what Zendesk plan you're on, for context?In our case, having access to multiple forms, we have a single External-only Zendesk form for the HC's Submit a Request form, which has many conditional fields based on the user's market, services available there, and categories respective to those services.Those are then translated into other internal ticket fields for categorisation and routing/prioritisation.However, if starting from scratch, might be worth checking the Messaging with FlowBuilder, as it's included in every plan.
You can design a conversational experience from there and capture specific information based on what the end-user's selected. It's available for all plans, and documented here:

While you can use it as a contact form equivalent, you can optionally add HC article recommendations, add alternative flows for when you're out of business hours, and also optionally using it as a Chat interface.Feel free to ask any follow-up questions here or via DM, glad to help.


About the Editor

Andrei Kamarouski is a Zendesk Expert and Pythia AI CEO. He loves to help people in the Support Driven Community and across the Web with any kind of Zendesk challenges and projects. Find him here LinkedIn.

This article was created with the support of Pythia AI, the provider of affordable productivity apps for Zendesk leading youк business to the true CX Success.

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