Taking Control of Your Career Growth: A Conversation with Stacy Justino from Loom

Meet Stacy Justino, Customer Support Manager at Loom, Her career success and mentorship thrive on discomfort, as she lead through people-centric strategies, insightful communication, risk-taking, and innovative problem-solving.


Check out this video featuring Stacy Justino our upcoming speaker for October’s Expo where she explores the significance of self-driven career development, the challenges people face in defining their goals, and the value of breaking down aspirations into manageable steps for growth.


Deniz Kuran: Hi everyone. My name is Deniz, for those of you who don't already know me, I'm head of marketing at Idiomatic. This is a conversation with Stacy Justino from Loom, who will be speaking at the upcoming Support Driven Expoin October. She'll be talking about the topic of taking control of your career growth, and today we'll be talking about her connection to the topic. Hi Stacy. Thank you for joining us.

Stacy Justino: Hi. Happy to be here.

Deniz Kuran: Taking control of your career growth, why do you think this topic matters? Why is it special for you?

Stacy Justino: It's something that's really near and dear to my heart. As a manager and for anytime I have managers reporting to me, knowing what the career sort of aspirations are of your employees is like non-negotiable. But I realized that. Not everybody has a manager like that, and not everybody works at a company that encourages that or has processes in place to make sure those career growth discussions are happening regularly. So I thought this would be really useful for folks to take control and not be reliant on a manager or a process at their company.

Deniz Kuran: And what problems do you think people have related to this topic?

Stacy Justino: A lot of folks, I think don't necessarily know exactly what they want to do next. I'm being one of those people. And so I think you can get stuck and get into a mindset that is okay, I don't know my next role that I want to have or one year from now where I want to be. So I can't even get started on that, right? Because I need to figure that out first. But you can work backwards and figure out what you want to be able to do more of or do that you haven't done before and not maybe tie that to even like a specific job or role and make progress.

Deniz Kuran: What's your background? How long have you been part of Support Driven, which you work at currently at Loom or like your past jobs.

Stacy Justino: I've been involved in Support Driven since around 2012 or 2013, I had come across our blog and then I joined the Slack group. But my company at the time, big Fish Gain, which is where I started my career didn't use Slack, we moved to using Slack and then I added the support driven to my Slack app and have been pretty active ever since I started my career at Big Fish Games as a customer support rep. Eventually became a team lead. Had the pleasure of being the manager who spun up support for our emerging business lines. So even though I worked at the same company for nine years, it was Experience of supporting many different business lines, different platforms.

When I started, it was a pc, Mac downloadable games business, That's when games were first being put on iPhones. So I was probably one of the first people to support iPhone games. And We tried to launch a streaming service. We had online games and Facebook games before, everybody was playing games online. So I pretty wild experience there. After that I made a shift to B two B SaaS and became the director of support at Wistia. And then most recently I joined Bloom in November,  continuing my journey in this sort of video space.

Deniz Kuran: Loom is one of our favorite tools to use at Idiomatic. What does Loom do exactly?

Stacy Justino: Loom allows you to communicate asynchronously through video messaging, and it enables you to convey ideas or get collaboration on projects without having to be in the same room. So a lot of times, if we're having meetings here at Loom, for example, we'll send out a loom in advance. People will watch it, have a little bit of dialogue in Slack or in the comments of a loom, and then we can go into the meeting to make the most out of that face-to-face time.

Deniz Kuran: And for those of you who doesn't know what Idiomatic does, we're a customer feedback ntic software. We basically take the thousands pieces of customer feedback you receive daily, weekly, monthly. And we from different data sources, help centers, app reviews, social media, and we process it. Categorize it, analyze it, and tell you exactly what your customers are doing using artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Deniz Kuran: Who should especially listen to your talk at the expo?

Stacy Justino: I think anybody who has struggled with defining what they want to be working toward, whether it's just like professional development or personal Growth, and it could be someone who knows exactly what their next role they wanna be, but could use some help breaking that down. Because I think if you're on the spectrum of, Hey, I know exactly what I want to do next, it can still feel overwhelming.

And so I think the aim of my workshop is for people to be able to break that down to smaller chunks so it's a little less overwhelming. Feel like you're making progress. Wherever you are in your journey, if you want to take control of your career growth and you feel like maybe you haven't had time to focus on it or the sort of framework to help you map it out, I think it's for any of those situations.

Deniz Kuran: I know you'll be presenting us with a framework or maybe like multiple frameworks. Would the framework be different for someone who is just starting their career or someone who is like more experienced? 

Stacy Justino: I think overall, it'll be pretty similar in my experience. It could be useful for either case. If you are a little earlier in your career, you're not really sure what's next for you, then you might have a few more steps in that, framework. But I think even if you do have a defined end goal you can still use the same process to break that down into sort of smaller things you're working towards.

Deniz Kuran: What are your favorite resources for career growth advice? It can be blogs, influencers podcasts.

Stacy Justino: One is the Support Driven career development channel and the leadership channel. Both of those are really great places to post questions. Drew Clark, who is also in support driven, he shares a lot of good posts on LinkedIn that kind of just shares how he approaches things.

I think you can learn a lot from just seeing, somebody who's a little further along and how they've grown and what they've learned. So I think I would recommend following Drew Clark on LinkedIn. I also belong to a couple other Slack communities, Or even like a Facebook community of people who are either in the same sort of industry or kind of roles that you are, but also I think it's important to be reading perspectives or asking for perspectives and from people who maybe aren't in support, but maybe they're working moms, like for me, right?

I have a couple Facebook groups online that are career focused, but. Moms in my area because they have a frame of reference for, some of the things that are important to me that maybe I'm not gonna find in some of the other more support specific venues.

Deniz Kuran: That's really good advice. After your talk, how would you like people to feel?

Stacy Justino: Empowered? And feeling like they have at least two or three action items that they can. Start work working towards they can leave and be like, okay, I am going to go tackle this first step on my career growth path.

Deniz Kuran: That's good. If people wanna reach out to you before the expo, what's the best way to get in touch with you?

Stacy Justino: They can connect with me on LinkedIn. It's just Stacy Dash just Justino. Or in support driven also, Stacy Justino.

Deniz Kuran: Sounds good. If you'd like to hear Stacy Justina talk more on this topic, she will be at the upcoming support driven Expo in October. Thank you, Stacy, for doing this, and we'll see you at the expo.

Check out this video now featuring Stacy Justino our upcoming speaker for October’s Expo. Be sure to watch and get a taste of what's to come!


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