Solution for “cherry picking”

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Solution for “cherry picking”

Curious if anyone has come up with a good solution for cherry picking and making sure folks are working from the oldest? (Not Guided Mode which hides the queues)

- Zendesk Manager

Community Member A: Do you need this solution because people are not adhering to a clear policy of working from the oldest tickets?

Zendesk Manager: Not personally right now, but I know it’s something that can happen when some do not adhere to the policy and is very difficult to monitor through explore/metrics. Seen it happen at past companies, and there doesn’t seem to be a good solution to it. Surprised as I’m sure other companies must face that issue too.

Community Member B: we actually help with a lot of “finding needles in the haystack” at SupportLogic, amongst other things, which sits on top of your CRM. Let me know if you have any questions!

Community Member A: Sure, we have the same. Certain teams will use the Play mode to ensure this, other teams just using the honor system. I think we've been successful in both cases by explaining how cherrypicking impacts team members and customers.Something else you can do is implement round robin assignment (e.g. via the Round Robin app)

Community Member C: A colleague told me at their old company, they had a "kill-all" bucket with specific parameters (usually older tickets) and used the play button function so you can't skip. You do need an Enterprise account I believe to turn on not allowing to skip.

Dave Dyson, Sr. Customer Service Evangelist at Zendesk: : I wrote an article about it:

Heather Rommel, Zendesk and Jira expert: I've used the Playlist App which is SUPER cool and very flexible. You can add a tag to tickets where people pressed the button to take the next ticket, which helps you identify the agents that are actually using it (and those that are not)


Functionality to flag/star a ticket

Is there any functionality or app that allows us to flag/star a ticket? we wish to utilise this for training purposes of example tickets.

- Zendesk Manager 

Community Member A: Tags?

Community Member B: reminds me of the time i had a secret tag for the classic customer tickets
"I keep clicking 'download', but it just saves the file to my do I download the file?"

Heather Rommel, Zendesk and Jira expert: We use LovelyViews and there's a bookmark function there. Also LOVE how they allow us to nest our 1000 views in folders. So worth the money for this add on (no I don't work for them). it drops the bookmarked tickets into the bookmarks view! Not too exciting but still cool

This article was created with the support of Pythia AI, the provider of affordable productivity apps for Zendesk leading youк business to the true CX Success.

SLAs for Technical Support team

We're currently trying to establish SLAs for our Technical Support team, but running into some trouble with what feels like Zendesk limitations.Since these aren't new conversations, but tickets being escalated from our Customer Support team to Technical Support, we're having a hard time figuring out how to track first response time and next response time so we can measure our SLAs

- SLA Manager

Heather Rommel, Zendesk and Jira expert: We had that issue too -- what we do is, the ticket is being reassigned to a new group and a public reply is made at time of transfer. So we put in a trigger that looks for the group change and adds a tag xfer_tick and that tag is the condition for a new SLA named Internal Transfer where we only measure the Pausable Update which looks at the public responses. It's not perfect but it works.
After the new assignee replies with a public comment, we remove that tag because we don't need it for the rest of the ticket lifecycle, just that first public update from the new assignee.

Community Member A: This is extremely helpful, Heather! I agree that it’s not perfect, but I think this solution is definitely workable for us and the only answer I’ve found that approaches what I envisioned. Thank you!


Attachments in Agent Workspace

In Agent Workspace, how does it handle attachments such as images? Can you drag-and-drop them into the conversation? What about copy and paste? I can't seem to find documentation on that anywhere. If you know of some, please share!

- Zendesk Administrator

Community Member A: Yes it does do drag-drop for images. It pops up UI options to either attach or include inline with text. Drag and drop direct from Skitch brings up the same options as an actual image file.


About the Editor

Andrei Kamarouski is a Zendesk Expert and Pythia AI CEO. He loves to help people in the Support Driven Community and across the Web with any kind of Zendesk challenges and projects. Find him here LinkedIn.

This article was created with the support of Pythia AI, the provider of affordable productivity apps for Zendesk leading youк business to the true CX Success.

SD Expo Update - September 1, 2022


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